1. Basics
1.1 tutorial
2.  How to access to DNA files and download
3.  How to compress the files
4. How to upload the data to our platform
5.  How to view and download your report
6.  How to manage your report at the Portal
7.  How to read and understand your report
8.  How to fill in and submit the questionnaire
9. How to order further services
10. Contact Customer Service
10.1. Email
10.2. Wechat
10.3. Facebook & Instagram
10.4. Linkedin
10.5. WhatsAPP


2024-03-24 06:13:15
最后编辑:unfated 于 2024-03-24 06:13:42

How to use G2H platform

  1. Access to your raw DNA data files at the service provider for your genetic testing. Learn how at next section
  2. Download the files, compress them (support zip/7zip/rar/tar.gz etc.)
  3. Sign up an account and log in to the platform at 登录 - G2H Platform (gene2h.com)
  4. Upload the DNA files at the home page (clicking on the buttion  )
  5. Fill in the questionnaire (click on  )
  6. Our analysis has been automatized so you would receive your analysis report within a few minutes (although we may double check it which may cause delay)
  7. We will send you the link to your report by email, so that you can browse it on Web or download PDF. You would need your email address and password to access to the report.
  8. You can also log in to the platform to view and manage your report at the Portal. You can choose to download or delete it. For privacy and safety issue, we don't allow direct sharing of your report by URL.

Now enjoy!


我们是来自香港大学医学院的博士创业团队,拥有以Polygenic Scoring (多基因风险评分,PGS)的核心技术,基因智健(G2H)是我们开发的首款产品。该平台主要利用基于PGS的统计机器学习模型分析用户DNA数据,从而预测和评估数百种人类疾病风险和健康表型,为您的健康人生保驾护航。

聯繫人: Dr. CHEN Guolan Lane
電話: +852 46404365
Email: support@gene2h.com
QQ: 3028035047
微信: lanechenhku
微博: u/7735987435
地址: 1)中国香港特别行政区薄扶林沙宣道5号1F; 2)中国广东省广州市黄埔区(广州开发区)科丰路91号903
