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[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
了解消费级直销基因检测 2025-02-09 初学者指南:消费级基因检测——了解其工作原理、可揭示的信息以及如何解读结果 直销基因检测(DTC)是一种基因检测类型,允许个人在线或通过邮件订购并接收基因检测套件。这些套件通常包括一个唾液或口腔拭子采集套件,消费者可以使用它来收集自己的DNA样本。样本随后寄回公司进行分析,结果通过在线门户或应用程序提供给消费者。 近年来,直销基因检测变得越来越流行,许多公司提供各种检测选项。一些DTC基因检测公司...
[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
揭示基因检测的众多好处:从医疗洞察到祖源发现 2025-02-09 近年来,基因检测取得了长足的进展,为个体提供了更多了解自己基因的机会,以及基因如何影响健康和祖源的相关信息。本文将探讨基因检测的不同用途及其可能带来的好处。 首先,让我们讨论基因检测的医疗用途。这种类型的检测可以用来识别可能增加个体患上某些遗传性疾病风险的基因变异。这些遗传性疾病可以从遗传性疾病,如囊性纤维化或镰形细胞贫血,到更常见的疾病,如糖尿病或心脏病等。 基因检测在医疗领域的主要好处之一是能...
[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
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[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
基因检测的未来:可获得性、进展与影响 2025-02-09 随着我们迈向21世纪,科学和技术不断塑造我们对世界,尤其是对自身的理解。基因检测是一个迅速发展并发生转型的领域。随着测序成本的下降和全基因组测序技术的进步,基因检测的格局将发生深刻变化,且其可获取性将大大提高,惠及更广泛的人群。 基因检测的现状 为了了解这一领域的未来发展,首先需要了解当前的现状。根据最新数据,已有数百万人在美国使用过基因检测服务。像23andMe、Ancestry.com和MyH...
[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
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[科学原理 The Science of Polygenic Scoring]
Clinical Application of PRS 2025-02-09 Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) can be applied to clinical prediction, though there are both advantages and limitations to their use in a clinical setting. How PRS Can Be Applied to Clinical Prediction: ...
[科学原理 The Science of Polygenic Scoring]
What is PRS? 2025-02-09 A Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) is a numerical value that represents an individual's genetic predisposition to a certain trait or disease, based on the cumulative effect of multiple genetic variants. The...
[科学原理 The Science of Polygenic Scoring]
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Clinical Application of PRS

2025-02-09 02:34:00

Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) can be applied to clinical prediction, though there are both advantages and limitations to their use in a clinical setting.

How PRS Can Be Applied to Clinical Prediction:

  1. Risk Stratification: PRS can be used to classify individuals into different risk categories for developing certain diseases (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers). For example, if a patient’s PRS indicates a high genetic risk for cardiovascular disease, clinicians might recommend more frequent screenings or preventive interventions such as lifestyle changes, medication, or other monitoring strategies.

  2. Personalized Preventive Medicine: By combining genetic risk (from PRS) with environmental and lifestyle data, clinicians can tailor preventive measures more effectively. For example, an individual with a high PRS for type 2 diabetes could receive personalized advice on diet, exercise, and weight management to mitigate their genetic risk.

  3. Early Detection: PRS could assist in identifying individuals at a higher genetic risk for diseases that have no early symptoms, like certain cancers or neurodegenerative conditions (e.g., Alzheimer’s). This could lead to earlier interventions, surveillance programs, or the use of predictive tests (like imaging) at an earlier stage.

  4. Treatment Selection: In some cases, PRS could guide clinicians in choosing the most appropriate treatments based on an individual’s genetic predisposition. For example, some medications may work better for individuals with certain genetic backgrounds, so understanding their PRS can help optimize therapy.

Limitations in Clinical Application:

  1. Polygenic Nature of Disease: PRS is based on the cumulative effect of many small genetic variants. This makes it more challenging to predict diseases accurately because each variant contributes only a small part of the overall risk. Many common diseases also involve complex interactions between genetics and environmental factors, making it difficult to isolate the contribution of genes alone.

  2. Incomplete Prediction: PRS does not guarantee the onset of a disease. It only estimates the relative risk compared to the general population. For example, someone with a high PRS for heart disease may still never develop the condition due to protective lifestyle choices, while someone with a low PRS might still develop the disease due to other risk factors like diet or stress.

  3. Genetic Data Interpretation: The accuracy of PRS depends on the quality and scope of the genetic data used to create the score. While large population studies have been instrumental in identifying genetic variants, there may be important genetic factors that haven't yet been discovered. Also, PRS models are typically developed for populations of European descent, and their applicability to individuals from other ethnic backgrounds may be limited.

  4. Ethical and Psychological Concerns: The use of genetic information, including PRS, can raise ethical issues, such as the potential for genetic discrimination (in employment or insurance), privacy concerns, and psychological impacts (e.g., anxiety or stress from knowing one is at high risk for a disease). In clinical practice, care must be taken in how the information is communicated to patients.

  5. Integration into Clinical Practice: While research on PRS has progressed rapidly, its widespread adoption into clinical practice still faces challenges. Clinical guidelines for using PRS are still being developed, and healthcare providers need more training on how to interpret and apply these scores.

Current and Future Applications:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases: PRS for cardiovascular risk is one of the most well-studied, and many studies suggest that it could be useful for identifying people at high risk for heart attacks or strokes. However, more evidence is needed on how to incorporate it into routine practice.

  • Cancer: For some cancers (e.g., breast cancer), PRS is showing promise in helping to identify individuals at higher risk, although current clinical guidelines don’t yet recommend it as part of routine screening.

  • Mental Health: PRS for psychiatric disorders (such as schizophrenia or depression) is an emerging area, but it is not yet ready for routine clinical use, as it faces significant challenges in terms of predictive power and how to integrate it with environmental and clinical factors.

In summary, while PRS holds significant potential for clinical prediction in areas like disease risk stratification, personalized medicine, and early detection, it’s not yet fully ready for widespread routine use in clinical practice. More research, improved accuracy, and better integration with other clinical data will be necessary for its full potential to be realized.


Gene to Health Limited primarily focuses on developing multi-omics predictive models for common disease risks, conducting biomedical big data analysis and modeling, and providing bioinformatics research services.  We are a pioneer in Asia focused on polygenic scoring technology, leveraging millions of disease-related genetic variants and other omics data to predict over 1000 traits and diseases. Our core product suite, G2H, provides personalized health management solutions in one platform, including risk assessments for chronic diseases, dietary optimization, lifestyle advisory, and cancer risk prediction. We aim to revolutionize disease prevention and improve early disease intervention by integrating advanced genomic analysis, ML and AI.

我们是来自香港大学医学院 (HKU Med) 的博士创业团队,拥有以Polygenic Scoring (多基因风险评分,PGS)的核心技术,基因智健(G2H)平台是我们开发的核心产品。该平台主要利用基于多组学大数据的统计机器学习模型分析用户数据,从而预测和评估上千种种人类疾病风险和健康表型,为您的健康人生保驾护航。

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