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[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
了解消费级直销基因检测 2025-02-09 初学者指南:消费级基因检测——了解其工作原理、可揭示的信息以及如何解读结果 直销基因检测(DTC)是一种基因检测类型,允许个人在线或通过邮件订购并接收基因检测套件。这些套件通常包括一个唾液或口腔拭子采集套件,消费者可以使用它来收集自己的DNA样本。样本随后寄回公司进行分析,结果通过在线门户或应用程序提供给消费者。 近年来,直销基因检测变得越来越流行,许多公司提供各种检测选项。一些DTC基因检测公司...
[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
揭示基因检测的众多好处:从医疗洞察到祖源发现 2025-02-09 近年来,基因检测取得了长足的进展,为个体提供了更多了解自己基因的机会,以及基因如何影响健康和祖源的相关信息。本文将探讨基因检测的不同用途及其可能带来的好处。 首先,让我们讨论基因检测的医疗用途。这种类型的检测可以用来识别可能增加个体患上某些遗传性疾病风险的基因变异。这些遗传性疾病可以从遗传性疾病,如囊性纤维化或镰形细胞贫血,到更常见的疾病,如糖尿病或心脏病等。 基因检测在医疗领域的主要好处之一是能...
[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
探索欧美顶尖基因检测公司:全面指南 2025-02-09 近年来,基因检测越来越受到欢迎,成为了解个人祖源、识别潜在健康风险以及做出明智医疗决策的方式。市场上有许多基因检测公司,每家公司都提供各种服务和检测选项。本文将概述一些最著名的基因检测公司及其提供的服务。 23andMe23andMe 可能是最著名的基因检测公司之一。成立于2006年,该公司提供多种检测选项,包括祖源检测和健康风险评估。23andMe 的一个独特之处在于他们还提供携带者检测,帮助个...
[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
基因检测的未来:可获得性、进展与影响 2025-02-09 随着我们迈向21世纪,科学和技术不断塑造我们对世界,尤其是对自身的理解。基因检测是一个迅速发展并发生转型的领域。随着测序成本的下降和全基因组测序技术的进步,基因检测的格局将发生深刻变化,且其可获取性将大大提高,惠及更广泛的人群。 基因检测的现状 为了了解这一领域的未来发展,首先需要了解当前的现状。根据最新数据,已有数百万人在美国使用过基因检测服务。像23andMe、Ancestry.com和MyH...
[关于遗传检测 More about Genetic Testing]
解开DNA的奥秘:DNA检测背后的科学 2025-02-09 生命的奥秘编码在DNA的螺旋结构中,DNA是一种复杂的大分子,作为所有生物体的蓝图。随着我们深入进入21世纪,得益于DNA检测技术的进步,我们对这一蓝图的理解已经呈指数级增长。本文将揭示DNA检测的科学原理、流程及其能揭示的信息。 DNA的基础知识 DNA,全称脱氧核糖核酸,是一种由两条链缠绕成双螺旋形状的分子。它是遗传信息的载体,是驱动生命复杂机制的软件。每个DNA分子由一系列核苷酸组成,每个核...
[科学原理 The Science of Polygenic Scoring]
Clinical Application of PRS 2025-02-09 Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) can be applied to clinical prediction, though there are both advantages and limitations to their use in a clinical setting. How PRS Can Be Applied to Clinical Prediction: ...
[科学原理 The Science of Polygenic Scoring]
What is PRS? 2025-02-09 A Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) is a numerical value that represents an individual's genetic predisposition to a certain trait or disease, based on the cumulative effect of multiple genetic variants. The...
[科学原理 The Science of Polygenic Scoring]
How do your genetics influence your health risks? 2025-02-09 Your genetics play a significant role in determining your predisposition to various health conditions. Certain genetic variations (mutations or polymorphisms) can influence how your body responds to f...

G2H Scope of Services and Quotation

2025-02-05 11:20:00

Scope of Services and Quotation


Gene to Health Limited is pleased to present our comprehensive Scope of Services and Quotation tailored to support your research laboratory's data analysis and omics research needs. Leveraging our expertise in advanced genetic and bioinformatics analyses, we are committed to delivering PhD-level, high-quality, cost-effective solutions to enhance your research capabilities.


All base prices are in Hong Kong Dollars (HKD) and are subject to uprise change based on project scope and specific requirements.



Base Price (HKD) Per Project

Bioinformatic Services



1. GWAS-based Statistical Genetic Analysis

Comprehensive array genetic data analysis using multiple tools


2. Single-Cell Omics Analysis

Detailed single-cell genomic and transcriptomic analysis


3. Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) Development

PRS training, modeling, and validation


4. Epidemiological Statistical Models

Implementation of Cox and other statistical models


5. Supervised Machine Learning Models

Development and evaluation of ML models on biomedical data


6. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Analysis

Comprehensive NGS data analysis


7. Long Read Sequencing Analysis

Analysis of long-read sequencing data


8. Post-GWAS Analyses

Comprehensive post-GWAS analysis services


9. Mendelian Randomization

Mendelian Randomization analysis to infer causal relationships


10. Metagenomic Data Analysis

Taxonomic and functional profiling of metagenomic data


11. Multi-Omics Data Integration

Integrating various omics data for comprehensive analysis








General Services



1. AWS Cloud Services Setup

Development of cloud-based data management and report systems


2. English Manuscript Editing and Polishing

Professional editing services for scientific manuscripts


per manuscript

3. R and Python Data Visualization and Figure Composition

Creation of custom data visualizations


per figure







Additional Services



a. Data Visualization Dashboards

Development of interactive dashboards


b. Bioinformatics Consulting

Strategic planning and custom pipeline development


per session

c. Technical Support and Training

User training and ongoing technical support


per month







Total Estimated Cost: Varies based on selected services

Special Package Offer: For clients opting for multiple (>3) services, a 10% discount is applicable.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Payment Terms: 30% upfront upon agreement, 70% upon project completion. Or by milestones upon negotiations. All payments shall be settled within 30 days against invoice date.
  2. Delivery Timeframe: Dependent on project scope; estimated between 2-12 weeks.
  3. Revisions: Includes up to two rounds of major revisions and five rounds of minor revisions per deliverable.
  4. Confidentiality: All client data will be handled with strict confidentiality.
  5. Validity: Quotation valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.
  6. Deliverability: All analyzed data, software outputs, pipeline instructions and deliverable results (such as figures, tables, trained models, parameters) will be returned to clients. The availability of generated scripts is negotiable, depending on contract scope, client’s demands, and involvement of key intellectual properties.


Scope of Services

Bioinformatic Services

1. GWAS-based Statistical Genetic Analysis

Description: Comprehensive genome-wide association analyses (GWAS) of genetic data to identify associations between genetic variants and various phenotypic traits.

Tools & Software:


Pipeline & Processes:

  • Data Cleaning & Quality Control: Ensuring data integrity by removing low-quality samples and variants.
  • Population Stratification: Correcting for population structure using principal component analysis (PCA).
  • Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS): Identifying significant genetic variants associated with specific traits.
  • Heritability Estimation: Calculating the proportion of variance explained by genetic factors.
  • Imputation: Enhancing genotype data completeness using reference panels.
  • Meta-Analysis: Combining results from multiple studies to increase statistical power.


2. Single-Cell Omics Analysis

Description: Detailed analysis of single-cell genomic and transcriptomic data to understand cellular heterogeneity and complex biological processes.

Tools & Software:

  • Primary: Partek Flow
  • Additional: Seurat, Scanpy, CellRanger, Monocle, Drop-seq Tools, SingleR

Pipeline & Processes:

  • Data Preprocessing: Quality control, normalization, and scaling of single-cell data.
  • Clustering & Dimensionality Reduction: Identifying distinct cell populations using PCA, t-SNE, or UMAP.
  • Differential Expression Analysis: Detecting genes with significant expression changes across clusters.
  • Trajectory Analysis: Inferring cellular development pathways and lineage relationships.
  • Integration of Multi-Modal Data: Combining single-cell RNA-seq with other data types (e.g., ATAC-seq).

3. Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) Training, Modeling, and Testing

Description: Development and validation of polygenic risk scores to predict individual susceptibility to various health conditions based on genetic data.

Tools & Software:

  • Primary: PRSice, LDpred, PRS-CS
  • Additional: PLINK, LASSOSUM, SBayesR

Pipeline & Processes:

  • SNP Selection: Identifying relevant genetic variants for the risk score.
  • Weighting: Assigning effect sizes to each SNP based on GWAS results.
  • Score Calculation: Aggregating weighted SNPs to compute individual PRS.
  • Validation: Testing the predictive accuracy of PRS in independent cohorts.
  • Optimization: Refining models to improve prediction performance.

4. Epidemiological Statistical Models

Description: Application of statistical models to study the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events within populations.

Tools & Software:

  • Primary: R (e.g. survival package)
  • Additional: Python (e.g. statsmodels)

Pipeline & Processes:

  • Cox Proportional Hazards Models: Assessing the impact of variables on time-to-event outcomes.
  • Logistic Regression: Modeling binary outcomes.
  • Linear Regression: Analyzing continuous traits.
  • Mixed-Effects Models: Handling hierarchical or longitudinal data structures.
  • Survival Analysis: Estimating survival functions and hazard ratios.

5. Supervised Machine Learning Models

Description: Implementation of machine learning techniques to predict outcomes and identify patterns within your data.

Tools & Software:

  • Primary: Scikit-learn (Python), Random Forest, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Neural Networks
  • Additional:
    • Boosting Algorithms: XGBoost, LightGBM, AdaBoost, CatBoost
    • Deep Learning Frameworks: PyTorch
    • Ensemble Methods: Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM), Extra Trees, Bagging
    • Regression Models: ElasticNet, Lasso, Ridge Regression
    • Other Algorithms: Naive Bayes, Decision Trees

Pipeline & Processes:

  • Data Preparation: Feature selection, engineering, and data splitting into training and testing sets.
  • Model Training: Building models using algorithms like Random Forest, SVM, Gradient Boosting, and Neural Networks.
  • Model Evaluation: Assessing performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC-ROC.
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimizing model parameters for improved performance.
  • Model Deployment: Integrating models into existing workflows or systems.

6. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Analysis

Description: Comprehensive analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data to provide insights into genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic landscapes.

Tools & Software:

  • Primary: Illumina BaseSpace, Bowtie2, STAR, HISAT2
  • Additional: BWA, SAMtools, BEDTools, DESeq2, EdgeR, FastQC, MultiQC

Pipeline & Processes:

  • Quality Control: Assessing sequencing quality using FastQC and MultiQC.
  • Read Alignment: Mapping reads to reference genomes using BWA, Bowtie2, or STAR.
  • Variant Calling: Identifying SNPs and indels with tools like GATK and SAMtools.
  • Transcriptome Assembly: Assembling RNA-seq data using HISAT2 and StringTie.
  • Differential Expression Analysis: Utilizing DESeq2 and EdgeR for identifying differentially expressed genes.
  • Functional Annotation: Annotating variants and genes using ANNOVAR and SnpEff.
  • Data Integration: Combining NGS data with other omics datasets for multi-dimensional analysis.

7. Long Read Sequencing Analysis

Description: Advanced analysis of long-read sequencing data to resolve complex genomic regions, detect structural variants, and enhance genome assemblies.

Tools & Software:

  • Primary: SMRT Analysis (PacBio), Nanopore Tools (ONT)
  • Additional: Canu, Flye, Minimap2, Longshot, Porechop, Guppy, Racon, Pilon, SVIM, Sniffles, Prokka, MAKER

Pipeline & Processes:

  • Basecalling: Converting raw sequencing data into nucleotide sequences using Guppy or similar tools.
  • Read Filtering: Removing low-quality reads and adapters with Porechop and Fastp.
  • Alignment: Mapping reads to reference genomes using Minimap2 or BWA-MEM.
  • De Novo Assembly: Constructing genome assemblies from long reads with Canu or Flye.
  • Hybrid Assembly: Combining long reads with short reads for improved assembly accuracy.
  • Error Correction: Refining assemblies using Racon for consensus polishing and Pilon for further error correction.
  • Structural Variant Detection: Identifying large insertions, deletions, inversions, and translocations using tools like SVIM and Sniffles.
  • Annotation: Annotating assembled genomes with functional and structural information using Prokka and MAKER.
  • Comparative Genomics: Comparing assemblies across different samples or conditions to identify genomic variations.

8. Post-GWAS Analyses

Description: Post-GWAS analyses help interpret genetic associations identified in Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS), linking statistical results to biological mechanisms. They pinpoint causal variants, explore genetic architectures, and assess functional impacts.

Key Analyses:

  1. Fine-Mapping
    • Objective: Identify likely causal variants in associated loci.
    • Tools: CAVIAR, FINEMAP
    • Process: Integrate GWAS statistics with LD data, perform statistical fine-mapping, prioritize variants for validation.
  2. Functional Annotation
    • Objective: Understand the biological functions of variants and their impact on gene regulation or protein function.
    • Tools: ANNOVAR, VEP
    • Process: Annotate variants with genomic locations, regulatory elements, and gene associations.
  3. Pathway Enrichment
    • Objective: Identify biological pathways enriched with associated genes.
    • Tools: MAGMA, DAVID
    • Process: Map variants to genes, perform enrichment analysis, interpret relevant pathways.
  4. Colocalization Analysis
    • Objective: Assess if the same variant affects multiple traits.
    • Tools: COLOC, SMR
    • Process: Integrate GWAS with eQTL data, test shared genetic architecture.
  5. Gene-Based Testing
    • Objective: Evaluate the cumulative effect of gene variants on traits.
    • Tools: MAGMA, VEGAS2
    • Process: Aggregate variant associations within genes, perform statistical tests.
  6. Heritability Partitioning
    • Objective: Estimate contributions of functional categories to trait heritability.
    • Tools: LDSC
    • Process: Assign SNPs to functional categories and estimate their heritability.
  7. eQTL Analysis
    • Objective: Link GWAS variants with gene expression.
    • Tools: GTEx, FastQTL
    • Process: Cross-reference GWAS variants with eQTL databases, explore gene regulation mechanisms.

9. Mendelian Randomization Study

Description: Mendelian Randomization (MR) uses genetic variants as instrumental variables to infer causal links between risk factors and health outcomes, reducing confounding and reverse causality.

Tools & Software:

  • Primary: MRBase, MVMR, TwoSampleMR, MRInstruments
  • Additional: GCTA, PLINK

Pipelines & Processes:

  1. Instrumental Variables Selection
    • Objective: Identify SNPs st

Gene to Health Limited primarily focuses on developing multi-omics predictive models for common disease risks, conducting biomedical big data analysis and modeling, and providing bioinformatics research services.  We are a pioneer in Asia focused on polygenic scoring technology, leveraging millions of disease-related genetic variants and other omics data to predict over 1000 traits and diseases. Our core product suite, G2H, provides personalized health management solutions in one platform, including risk assessments for chronic diseases, dietary optimization, lifestyle advisory, and cancer risk prediction. We aim to revolutionize disease prevention and improve early disease intervention by integrating advanced genomic analysis, ML and AI.

我们是来自香港大学医学院 (HKU Med) 的博士创业团队,拥有以Polygenic Scoring (多基因风险评分,PGS)的核心技术,基因智健(G2H)平台是我们开发的核心产品。该平台主要利用基于多组学大数据的统计机器学习模型分析用户数据,从而预测和评估上千种种人类疾病风险和健康表型,为您的健康人生保驾护航。

聯繫人: Dr. CHEN Guolan Lane
電話: +852 46404365
Email: support@gene2h.com
QQ: 3028035047
微信: lanechenhku
微博: u/7735987435
地址: 1)Unit 707-34, 7F, Building 19W, No. 19 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T., Hong Kong 2)5 Sassoon Road, 1F, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong, China 3)Room 903, No. 91, Ke Feng Road, Huangpu District (Guangzhou Development Zone), Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China 1)中国香港特别行政区新界白石角科技园西大道19号19W座7楼707-34单元 2)中国香港特别行政区薄扶林沙宣道5号1F 3)中国广东省广州市黄埔区(广州开发区)科丰路91号903

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