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  • 基因智健(创思健康科技旗下产品)是目前最前沿的智能健康风险预测管理平台
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What is PGS 2024-03-24  
YouTube Channel 2022-03-22  Our YouTube channel has been online 我们的YouTube频道已上线 欢迎订阅 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3HdUPsupU-TSgSfodhwVrQ
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基因智健有限公司简介 2024-04-09 我们的目标是为中国人群大样本生物银行、大队列建设打好基础设施,服务于大健康的国家战略
沈伯松教授简介 2024-04-09 沈伯松教授是世界知名的统计遗传学家
G2H sample report 2023-07-27 Scan the QR code to read Predicting 800+ traits
Polygenic Risk Scores: Technology, Applications, and Potential in Predicting Health Traits and Disease Risk 2023-07-27 Polygenic risk scores (PRS) are a revolutionary technological advancement in the field of genetics, offering significant potential for personalized health care. PRS provide a quantitative assessment of an individual's genetic risk of developing certain diseases or health traits. This paper explores the technology behind PRS, its current applications, and future potential in predicting hundreds of health traits and diseases in an individual.

我们是来自香港大学医学院的博士创业团队,拥有以Polygenic Scoring (多基因风险评分,PGS)的核心技术,基因智健(G2H)是我们开发的首款产品。该平台主要利用基于PGS的统计机器学习模型分析用户DNA数据,从而预测和评估数百种人类疾病风险和健康表型,为您的健康人生保驾护航。

联系人: Dr. CHEN Guolan Lane
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Email: support@gene2h.com
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